2021-09-18 16:06:57 UPDATED



What is Metaverse app?

The app consists of three screens:

History - The home screen of the Metaverse app. Scan a Metaverse QR code by tapping "Scan code" at the top of the screen to view the Experience. Replay prior Experiences by tapping  them from your history list. Search for Experiences, Groups or users in the search bar at the top.

Favorites - Save Experiences to your favorites by tapping the star icon from an Experience preview page.

Profile - View all of the Experience you have created in Metaverse Studio.

Metaverse has all of the features to create augmented reality Breakouts, puzzles and Geocaches! The most basic is an Experience that gives a user a set of clues and then asks for a password. Watch the video below to learn how to build a basic puzzle.

Build a diigtal breakout


  1. Create a new Experience and give it a title
  2. Configure your Character Scene by adding dialogue, a character and a button. Typically this Scene sets up the story/riddle that a user will have to solve.
  3. Add a button to transition to the next Scene
  4. Add a new Scene with three buttons: Crack the code, Clues and Exit. Crack the code will transition to a text input Scene where a user can type the code. Clues will show the user a series of images using character scenes. Exit will end the Experience if a user gives up.
  5. Add a text input Scene and transition that Scene to a Text Block that will check if a user entered the right code.
  6. Add two Character Scenes for if a user entered the right code and if a they entered the wrong code.
  7. End the Experience on the correct code Scene by adding a button and choosing “End Experience” as the transition.
  8. Transition the incorrect response scene back to the main puzzle Scene (the Scene that presents three options: crack the code, clues and exit).
  9. Add three Character Scenes for clues. These Scenes will only have a character and buttons.
  10. Choose images to use as clues and import them into each of the Character Scenes.
  11. Transition the “Clues” button to the first transition Scene and transition subsequent clue Scenes together.
  12. Transition the last clue Scene back to the main puzzle Scene.

Remix this Experience by adding multiple codes, digital items, timers instead of buttons, placing it at a location, add video/photo clues, embed websites and SO much more!

Teachers consider turning physical Breakout boxes into digital ones, or add a AR Breakout to a physical Breakout box.


Breakouts and Puzzles

Trivia Games

Create audio (guess the song) challenges, timed trivia, keep track of scores, award items to a winner, add a selfie wall of winners and MUCH more!

Build a simple Trivia Game


Here’s how to create a basic multiple choice trivia game:

  1. Configure your character Scene by adding a question as the dialogue
  2. Choose a character
  3. Add four buttons with the multiple choice answer options
  4. Add two more Character Scenes. One will be the correct answer Scene and one will be the incorrect answer Scene
  5. Transition the correct answer to the correct Scene and the incorrect answers to the incorrect Scene
  6. On the question Scene, add a timer by clicking on the empty space on the Scene
  7. Expand the timer section of the Storyboard Menu
  8. Toggle “Use timer to transition automatically”
  9. Make sure “Timer Type” is set to Delay
  10. Specify how long you want a user to have to answer a question by entering the seconds
  11. Select the incorrect Scene as the “Default Transition”
  12. Toggle “Force user to wait until transitioning” to wait until the timer expires until transitioning to the next Scene
  13. Add a new Character Scene for the next question
  14. Transition your correct and incorrect Scenes to the next question Scene
  15. Repeat the process for each question


Property Blocks


Property Blocks allow you to save and manipulate data. All Property Blocks  assign a value and manipulate that value.

User Properties

Tied to the User Account and are carried in between experiences. These are displayed in dialogue using ${props.PROPERTY_NAME} An Example of a User Property is the total points accumulated by a user across multiple experiences.

Experience Properties

A Temporary property that lives within the life experience. It is created and destroyed each time the experience opens and closes. Experience properties are displayed using ${experience.PROPERTY_NAME} An Example of an Experience property could be the number of questions correct in a timed trivia game.

Environment Properties

This property is globally affected by each user that interacts with it. It can be carried in between experiences. Environment properties are displayed using ${env["PROPERTY_NAME"]} An Example of an Environment property could be the total number of times an experience has been opened.

Property Blocks

Set Property Value

The Set Property Value Block will set a specified Value for specified Data. If the Data does not exist yet, then it will create a new Property with the specified name and then set the value of it.

Save Property From Input

The Save Property From Input will take the previous input from any scene/block value and save it as a Property value. It is similar to the Set Property Value Block, only the Value is determined by the previous input.

Property Exists

The Property Exists Block will check to see if a Property has been created. It has 2 transition paths for “does exist” and “does not exist."

Check Property Value

The Check Property Value Block will check the value of a piece of Property and compare it to a specified value. The comparators (=, <, ≤, >, ≥) allow you to test for conditions other than an exact number. For example, you could test for more than 5 points rather than exactly 5 points.

Increment Property By Input

The Increment Property From Input will use the previous Input from a Scene/Block and add it to the current Property Value.

Decrement Property By Input

The Decrement Property From Input will use the previous Input from a Scene/Block and subtract it from the current Property Value.

Increment Property By Value

The Increment Property From Value will add a specified value to an existing Property Value.

Decrement Property By Value

The Decrement Property From Value will add a specified value to an existing Property Value


Property Blocks

Metaverse SDK

Metaverse SDK


Create Experiences in Metaverse Studio and embed them in your own app with the Metaverse SDK. Experiences embedded in your app are immediately available and can be updated/changed in seconds.

To implement the SDK, read our Metaverse SDK doc.

The SDK is free to test, but requires a license key to run in a production app. Contact us for pricing information



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